Friday, July 22, 2011

"Why do some people have an easy life or a good life.. See below>>>"?

Why do some people have abundance in family and good friends.. kids.. and others like myself the exact opposite.. hard times their whole life... man troubles.. never had kids.. no family or friends left or who care? I know this woman.. she is not rich by far. But.. she has had a piece of cake life. Never had one man break her heart. She was able to get a house from her marriage gifts from relatives right away.. has a big close family .. lots of friends around her.. and received a scholarship for College and she had two bridal showers. She did lose her dad as did I several years ago from heart failure.. but.. everything she wants and needs are at her disposal and she is secure and protected. She bragged about this on facebook.. I felt bad.. looking at my life..when I wish I had 1/4 of what she has. I am on my own and alone with no protection or help or security/safety net. I am happy she is happy... I just don't understand it all is all.

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