Monday, July 18, 2011

Can someone diagnose this patient according to the DSM of psychology?

The DSM describes 10 personality disorders in 3 separate categories depending on the presenting symptoms. Category A is what we see here with Leon, category A is of the odd or eccentric traits. Cluster A includes Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal. Note: do not mix up schizophrenia with Schizoid and Schizoptypal as they are completely different personality disorders. Paranoid has the characteristic od someone who has distrust and suspicion of others (this would explain Leon thinking that people think he is "dumb" and a "jerk")Schizoid shows characteristics of detachment from others and from social relationships, and Schizotypal shows characteristics of social and interpersonal deficits; reduced capacity for close relationships. However Leon is shown to have more symptoms/characteristics of all 3 which is possible to have more than 1 personality disorder. When this is present it is called Comorbidity.

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