Friday, July 15, 2011

Kawasaki ninja 250R questions from a n00b?

Okay guys, i have quite a few questions, considering im completely sportbike illiterate..I've never known, or researched ANYTHING about them today. All i know is that theres been a few times recently i've really raeally wanted one. The type im looking at is a kawasaki ninja 250R...I hear its an awesome beginners bike. No need to tell me ill get tired of it soon and want something more powerful. I can wait, i just want a decent one to learn on considering i have no experience whatsoever. So basically what id like to know from some experienced bikers, how much am i looking at as far is initial payments? Documents, fees, shipping, all that. Im considering a down payment between 750-100. the bike itself is 3900-4200. I live in michigan, anyone have any idea how long it takes to get the proper license, or documentation i guess to ride one restriction free? Also, can i purchase the bike and get it before ive taken classes and gotten the right permits? because im pretty sure you have to use your own bike for the classes, correct? so i dont really see how i could do that if i didnt have the bike at my disposal. I know thats a lot lol...if theres anything anyone would like to add, that'd be awesome. Really appreciate any feedback i get, thanks guys!

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