Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why do I have these weird dreams?

Well, I have weird dreams too. That dream sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOO cool. My weird dream is that I'm arguing with a faceless man and I'm in a bus and he's driving a Lotus Elise. Then we're at the race track and we have a drag race and I race his Lotus Elise in a Ford Capri and I win, but the brakes fail and the Capri goes off a cliff and lands in a vat of coke at a Coca-Cola brewery. LOL!

Do I Have Food Poisoning?

I ate pork at a pig roast sunday night and it was left out for a couple hours when i ate it and now i've experienced dehydration, diarrhea, green stool, lethargy, the feeling of having to throw up (gagging), and my urine has been clear and i'm still feeling sick. My friend suggested food poisoning but i wanted to know if it could be serious?

In what ways is pollution caused by inadequate waste disposal in the united states?

I suppose you could always have more but it isn't inadequate IMO. It is adequate except to extremists who have little child-like notions that the world should be free from pollution.

How do i open lethargy trainer? for maplestory?

download an injector, a bypass and lethary trainer. Inject the bypass first then lethary trainer. You can obtain bypass and injector from or else where.

How do I safely dispose of certain household products?

Your local government should have a special location where you can drop off hazardous chemicals to be disposed of safely. Sometimes they have the drop offs at fire stations.

How can I find out if Luther wrote perticular book?

How can I prove for myself that the book titled "On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543" supposedly by Martin Luther was really written by him and not a fake used to discredit him? What tools are at my disposal to so such research?

What's it like doing the high school program from home, as an independent student?

Hello! I really don't want to waste my time dragging myself to a building where being there is more important than actually learning anything, so I'm considering doing the schoolwork with a homestudying program they have. I'd love to hear some comments on how it works, what are the ups and downs et cetera. - Except for the social bit and the lack of help. The social thing really doesn't interest me, I just don't like the people in high school. Regarding the lack of help, with the time I have compared to the thirty students in one class with one teacher I have more help at my disposal. I've got the internet, parents and even university students that help kids with subjects for free as a part of their education. Anything else is much appreciated!! Thank you :-)

I'm not pregnant, am I?

So, I took a pregnancy test on Friday, May 6th and it was negative. After feeling quite symptomatic for early pregnancy signs, ie nausea, lethargy, nasal edema, I retook a test on Wed, May 11. It was positive. Then on Friday, May 13, I started what seemed like a normal period. So, today May 18th, I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. So, I would suppose I'm not pregnant, but now heart broken. Is there any room for hope? Should I still go get a blood test in early June?

URGENT PLEASE HELP!!!! doctors cant tell why im sick?

it could possibly be a virus ,also stress related maybe?when ther is no other explaination and tests have been done this is usually the cause though if your not happy with your doctor's diagnosis get a second oppinion.get well soon.

Can you edit my paper for me?

Edit? Edit WHAT? Are you wanting people to do the writing for you? This appears to be homework or news reporting, and, if so, should be your own work.

Mortar vs Howitzer question?

Just a random question. If you are the infantry, and you have a choice of which artillery piece you want to support you, which would you choose? Both Mortar and Howitzer are 120mm in this scenario.

Based on my area code, where can i find a proper disposal for laptop and rechargeable batteries?

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Did I miscarry? or could I still be pregnant?

So, I took a pregnancy test on Friday, 6th and it was negative. After feeling quite symptomatic for early pregnancy signs, ie nausea, lethargy, etc..., I retook a test on Wed, May 11. It was positive. Then on Friday, May 13, I started what seemed like a normal period that has lasted for the past 3 days. Could I have miscarried? I would be close to 5 weeks along now, so I would think that this is later than implantation bleeding. I won't have health insurance until June 1st, so I intend to set up an appointment early June.

To the Libertarians and Republicans that want to abolish public education?

No they wan't public schools to be completely controlled by local governments. This is the method that Britain uses and their education is much better.

Positive reinforcement as I start crate training an adult dog, training tips and ideas needed?

Haveing an obedient dog benifits you and the dog.I found this article that tought me alot about dog training. Obedience training helps establish the owner in the role of "pack leader". This will teach your dog that you are the pack leader and he must follow your rules. Obedience will lay down clear behavior guidelines that your dog can follow Repetition and consistency are the keys to training. For more tips on how to best train your dog go to these articles
Here is some great advice I found in this dog training manuel.Not everybody agrees with training dogs with treats, they become dependent on the treats , its better to have a dog listen to you because he wants to not because you have food in your tip I can give is really bond with your dog. When your dog loves you more than anything else in the world, you'll never need another treat again. Be consistent with rules, expectations and praise. Walking your dog is a great treat for both you and the dog. Provide lots of mental stimulation, exersice and love. For more tips on dog training get this training manuel.

Girls what do u do in this scenario?

just imagine u r going in company bus guy came and sit opposite to you..he is below avergage looking.not that smart and all..but the journey is more than one hour. he works for your same company..but dont know him personally.u dont have earphone to listen music or book to read.and u feel its a nice guy( like if u allow him to talk also he will not take advantage later) . In this sitivation will u give him a chance to start a conversation with you ..or will not give any chance for him to talk to you. In my case she was just browsing thru phone and either look outside window or closed the eyes..dint given a single chance for me to start a conversation..what you girls think

Can you have an ectopic pregnancy without severe pain?

Ive been bleeding on and off for the past month, at first i thought it was my period, which normally lasts 2-3 days but it just keeps coming..i have sharp pains in my lower abdominals on the right and left side, also a tightness on the left. I even have had the sharp bubbly pains in my neck and shoulder, which is a symptom of ectoptic pregnancy but only if it ruptures... But if it ruptured wouldnt i be in severe pain??? And the pain in my shoulder and neck has been coming for adout three days so wouldnt i be dead or at least super weak if it ruptured that long ago??? Oh and also ive had moments of severe lethargy and lightheadedness....

Why did he stop emailing me?

maybe they went on their own family vaca? or maybe he just cant get to the computer. just leave him alone for a few days or a week and then try to start a convo. with him again

Has anyone heard of a male rat essentially starving himself to death to keep the female healthy while pregnant?

supply isn't an issue they are loaded with food in the cage; it does seem to be a possible dominance issue (shes domming him). as for illness the only apparent sign is his underweight and lethargy, he was little thin but otherwise fine maybe 5 days ago, he played dentist and had his PB and was happy. Right now they are separated and his cage is stocked with his favorites.

Fearing independence?

Approach independence with courage. Reward yourself, congratulate yourself for being independent when you are. :)

Trying to find a youtube video I remember seeing?

I saw a funny youtube video 2 years ago about a woman being hit on/ wooed by 2 garbage workers riding a garbage disposal truck. She smiled & looked at them occasionally and the video ends with her running into either a trash can or a pole. I tried finding this video but I forgot the title. Could anyone post the link or title if they know which video I'm talking about?

Proving the Qur’an is the Word of God?

The Mayans and Sumerians (predecessors of the Christians and Muslims in terms of religious contributions and beliefs) both predate Islam and have contributed much in terms of technology and knowledge. Neither attributed their findings to your god.

Is Europa Universalis Chronicles good?

Steam has Europa Universalis 3 Chronicles on sale for $7.50 and I was curious if it was any good. I've tried the demo, but it only allows you to play a few countries and has only two scenarios. It seems like a good game judging by the reviews I've read, but I just want to have a few more opinions under my belt before I decide to buy it or not.

So i wrote this thing but it's not completely finished yet. Some feedback please? Much appreciated?

It's a very nice and succinct description, but it makes me wonder as to the point. Is it a biology essay? I think that we need to go backward a bit and simplify before our human inadequacies topple our technological achievements. We DON'T realize how wonderful, magical, and fleeting life can be; agreed. But it's an internal struggle to overcome our minds, not the world around us IMHO.

Friday, July 22, 2011

College football eligibility questions?

As soon as you enroll as a full-time student at any sports affiliated college, your clock starts and you have 5 years to play 4 years of football anywhere. Most D1, D2&D3 schools recruit from JC's that play in the state championships. You have to be a big time baller to get D1 scholly...Fight On!

Just saw the most disturbing thing ever; home animal euthanasia?

if an animal is suffering and nothing can be done about it or is beyond healing or fixable - then it is way more humane to put the animal down - then let it suffer - it applys to all animals - it is way less painfull and way less torture to end an animals life then let it drag on - only if its not fixable

What are some must have garrys mod mods?

What are some must have garrys mod mods? im looking to just have some fun and mess around+maybe make some scenario's like wars or something. im new to garrys mod. PLEASE let me know some good mods/packs/models/skins/anything you can think of for garrys mod i know that there is alot. but let me know your suggestions, links would help too. so far the only website i know to get them at is

Reoccuring dream with creepy old lady?

each dream mean something.. i don't know.. but i use a site called "Saysadream" for my dreams and gives answer .. hope it helps u. I help other to know means and other help me :)

Is this a scenario where the person was "asking" to get hit/attacked?

Your friend is seriously out of control. She does not have the right to hit another person regardless of the reason. Going to jail might be beneficial.

Second baby vs first?

I have a question, I am in my second pregnancy with a girl. My son was born in 2008. My first pregnancy with my son was perfect. Now I am in my second (36 weeks now) and its been nothing but horrible for 9 months. Ive nevee experienced such lethargy and exhaustion in my life, especially not with my first. The part that worries me apart from the amplified symptoms however is the fetal movement. My daughter never stops moving and she hurts me so much. I have constant pain in my ribs and bladder, sometimes at the same time. She constantly pushes on all corners of my stomach full force and I just never felt anything close to this pain and pressure with my first. Is it normal for her to be causing so much pain? Its been an on-going thing for months but it just gets worse and worse with time and now Im 4 weeks from my expected date and I dont think I can take the pain anymore. And when I say my first was nothing like this.. he was 2 weeks late and I worked the entire time. Nothing like this.

What to do after navy eod?

after navy explosive ordnance disposal is there any jobs that i would be qualified for or some type of private contracting like blackwater

Which show can i watch ?

Looks you are really a TV enthusiast,so am I.What you have watched are all good shows I think.Besides,I would recommend you Underbelly,OZ,Mad Men,Gilmore Girls ect.How do you think,you may love them after you watch.

Is this girl just leading me?

I dated this girl for like 3 weeks, things ended because she found out things i did in my past she didnt like. I stopped talking to her for a bit, she began to act and text me like she did when we once dated, then she broke the news to me that she "likes me but cant date me" so i stopped talking to her all together, but still received and responded to her goodnights. One night, i texted her goodnight, and she said im not going to bed, stay up and talk to me. Since then, we've been flirting alot, and discussing scenarios about what were going to do when we hang out. Shes really flirty, and when i last asked her to hang out, she told me to pick what we want to do, and seemed willing to hangout. I asked her the other night if she wanted to hangout thursday or friday, and she said "Maybeeeee" shes been known to play guys, but admitted to me that she really likes me and that she "Misses me more then i miss her" i texted her today and she replied, then i asked her what her plans for this beautiful day was? and she didnt respond... Is she leading me on? HELP!

What's the pay rate for a Stericycle production worker?

Ask you supervisor, manager or hr.............and you won't get any bogus in the world would anyone on YA know..............

We have rats. How do we get rid of the rats?

Ok, so here is the scenario... We have a chicken coop. And beside of this chicken coop is a really, really big field. Well, apparently rats lived in the field and they decided that our chicken coop was a much better home. So now there are DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of rats that swarm out at night and eat the chicken...stuff....We need the rats gone WITHOUT hurting the chickens. And with out leaving a bunch of carcasses laying all over the place for our dogs to eat...and get random diseases and die....Can anyone help us? It's really gross and I just do not do rats....I can deal with many rodents but NOT rats....

Did my betta just eat one of the other fish?

I don't know much about fish, or betta fish specifically. But I do know that they are very aggressive towards each other. My guess is that he ate it, even though he said it would be okay with them. If they were okay with other fish, I don't know why stores would have them secluded in those little tiny spaces.

"Why do some people have an easy life or a good life.. See below>>>"?

Why do some people have abundance in family and good friends.. kids.. and others like myself the exact opposite.. hard times their whole life... man troubles.. never had kids.. no family or friends left or who care? I know this woman.. she is not rich by far. But.. she has had a piece of cake life. Never had one man break her heart. She was able to get a house from her marriage gifts from relatives right away.. has a big close family .. lots of friends around her.. and received a scholarship for College and she had two bridal showers. She did lose her dad as did I several years ago from heart failure.. but.. everything she wants and needs are at her disposal and she is secure and protected. She bragged about this on facebook.. I felt bad.. looking at my life..when I wish I had 1/4 of what she has. I am on my own and alone with no protection or help or security/safety net. I am happy she is happy... I just don't understand it all is all.

My puppy has dry heaves and yellow diarrhea what could it be?

Gryffindor is eight weeks old shows no sings of lethargy, I don't know if he's eating and drinking because i just got him this mourning. He's had his first puppy shot. He has dry heaves and yellow diarrhea(which doesn't really smell bad and isn't bloody at all). I'm wondering if this is a simple parasite or what else could possibly cause it. I'm already attached to him and would hat it if something were to happen.

If you were forced to work in a chocolate factory for life YET you were forced to be deprived of it for life,.?

I don't care much for chocolate so I could do that. I just wouldn't want to work in any kind of factory--I've done it. Men don't act overtly sexual with women because it's a turn off. Women want relationships. Since all it sounds like you want is sex I think you should get a prostitute.

All good things must come to an end. The powerhouse that was Liverpool football club is no more ?

liverpool was never a powerhouse in recent times, the only time they were a powerhouse was with rafa benitez when they had a chance to win premier league but blew it and finished second

Good running shoes for Haglund's Deformity?

I can't tell you exactly when it started appear, but i have developed the world famous bump near my heal/achilles. Trust me, i know it is Haglund's deformity. First off: I would like someone to clarify that this scenario makes sense: I believe that my Haglund's bump has caused my foot to land on the outside during runs, which therefore caused severe pain on the outside/bottom of my foot close to the heal. The pain is gone, however, my right foot (the effected foot) still tends to land on the outside. Of course i do not want to have to go through the pain again, so is there a running shoe that is good for haglund's bump, which would therefore cause my right foot to land normally again? Thanks

Do you know what's wrong with me?

Most of these signs and symptoms point to Cushing's Syndrome and/or PCOS coupled with diabetes. The Cushing's can cause the 'mental' problems as well. They need to assess your cortisol levels. The stretch marks (striae) and swollen face and need for anti-psychotics points squarely at Cushing's.

You're passing a gorgeous girl in the mall, you're with one friend, what do you say?

This is a hard question, it's very hard to approach a girl you've never met. I feel like it would be the best if you were with people, and she was with people too. Less awkward, and you'd get a better chance at talking with her. Comment on what she's doing, what she's looking at-- and take it away from there!! And also, try not to just go up to her. Walk by her, or get near her. Hope this helps! :)

Installing a Trash Compactor? Good idea? Yes or no?

I have a family of 6 and we are constantly taking out the garbage and our garbage can is overfilled all of the time. I was thinking a trash compactor would be the answer to cut the trips out to the garbage can and to compact the garbage to keep the garbage from over filling. For you who have had and used a garbage disposal, have you found it to be a useful item? Thanks for your input!

Dont you agree with Chidambaram that Jaya is committing contempt of court by commenting on his election case?

It is unfortunate that even in such election cases, the judiciary takes such a long time to decide. When a case is with the Court and undecided, it is sub judice; but what Jaya has done is only a request to the PM to take action as the head of the Govt. It is the prerogative of the PM to shuffle his cabinet and drop any one from the cabinet, if he is satisfied about it. I think, this will not in any way influence or affect the course of the case in the court.

Can the 5 in 1 shot cause vomiting, lethargy, and loss of appetite?

My 6 month old Pitt Bull received her first 5 in 1 vaccination last Thursday. Monday afternoon I noticed she had a loss of appetite, she was vomiting, and very lethargic. I purchased the vaccine from the local Coop. It was administered by a coworker who used to work at a veterinarian clinic.

Toxic & Nuclear waste disposal?

no. the difficulty of actually getting to those places outweighs any possible benefit that might incrue. it,s like launching toxic waste and radioactive material into the sun. that would work, after a fashion. the expense would be completely unsustainable. many of these substances can be recycled. radioactive waste products are one.

Shell rot in Red Eared Slider?

Is it a cotton-like white coating? If so its most likely a fungal infection. I would try getting him some Repti Turtle Sulfa Dip you can buy it online or local pet stores may have it.. Also make sure your keeping the tank extra clean.

Does this sound like it could be endometriosis?

The GP can tell you more, although you do have some of the symptoms. Your Gp can make a diagnosis from your history, examination, and curettage and histological study of the recovered material from your reproductive organs.

GREASE! (No, not the musical)?

I need to know of a better way to store and properly get rid of grease. Most people say to use old coffee cans for storage/disposal purposes. That would work, except that I do not drink coffee. I sometimes use old margarine buckets, but that does not consistently work because the grease fills up before my next margarine runs out. What I have been doing (in between margarine buckets) is using plain tupperware containers, but that gets a bit expensive. Any ideas/thoughts?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Benefits of deep geological disposal?

Im doing this for homework and i need some benefits of deep geological disposal of nuclear waste.......links to websites would be good and informed answers would be nice. cheers

Are Mormon missionaries trained to react in what if scenarios, such as being threatened?

Are Mormon missionaries trained to react in what if scenarios, such as being threatened, before 'deployment'? If so, what are the trained to do if ever in this situation?

Simple Ice-Box Cake recipe w/ oreos?

So here's what I'm thinking. The simplest icebox cake recipe I've found calls for only 2 ingredients: Chocolate Wafer Cookies and cool whip. Now, the appeal of this recipe is it's simplicity! I am in college, so I don't really have a lot at my disposal. what I am asking is, am I correct in thinking that this simplistic form of icebox cake exists, i.e., is it just wishful thinking? and second, can I substitute oreo's without the frosting for the chocolate wafer cookies?

Tired all the time after quitting drinking and smoking?

Hi. Congratulations on quitting smoking! Quitting smoking will improve your blood circulation and being lethargic. It will take a few weeks. Start slow with the workout and rest often. Lungs will let more oxygen into your system and pains should go away after awhile. Don't think that just eating veg's will flush the brewsky out of your system. Although veg's are good for you. you should drink plenty of water. Unless you are a vegetarian you should have proteins also. Your body is going through changes for the better! Don't push the envelope but take it slow.

What's wrong with my goldfish?

Probably when you moved the cage it wasn't a good spot for him. Move it back to its original spot and see what happens.

My cat is getting what I think is leg cramps?

I am writing in regards to my cat Tony. He is a year old almost to the day. He is a very active but indoor only kitty and the other day he ran off the top of the sofa to land about five feet away right in front of me. As he landed I saw his back leg give out under him. He sat down and made a sound of pain and annoyance. This was the first time I had ever heard him make a sound like a growl. He laid down right away and I checked his leg for a breakage. He stretched it like it was cramping and was quiet and calm for the rest of the night and the past two days( it was not like him to be so quiet but I thought he was just resting his pulled muscle). His leg did not seem broken and for about two days every time he walked his leg seemed fine. Last night he did not sleep with me at the foot of my bed, something he has never ever done since the first day I brought him home. I was very concerned about his lethargy and change in behavior. Then this morning he went to jump on the bed(it is only about six inches off the ground) and as he got in the position to jump he started making the same sound and sat down very quickly. I got off the bed and went to him. He walked away from me very quickly to another room and I followed slowly. He laid down in the kitchen and stretched his leg again like it was cramping. Once again I checked for breaks and stretched out his leg he seemed a little unhappy when I touched the inside top of his leg but he did not jerk it away just growled a little. I sat next to him and pet his head to comfort him. After a few minutes he was walking again and then went to sleep sprawled out on the sofa. He still seemed like the leg was bothering him but not as bad. He was fine for about eight hours and even played with his toys for the first time in days as if nothing had ever happened. I thought he was feeling better but in the last two hours he has had two similar cramping incidents. What could be the cause of this? Has this happened to other cats before? What can I do to help him?

My 6 week old kitten has had like a couple tears, no sneezing, no lethargy, no wet nose, nothing like that.?

He hasn't been rubbing his eyes or anything. He is full of energy and appears to be fine I just have read that anything coming from their eyes can be bad so I was wondering what to do. I don't have money to take him to the vet so I want to know if this is normal or what to do. He also looks like he has fleas not to bad but could that cause the "tears"

Lost and need advice. i just had the worst day of my life and i dont know how to deal with it. long story too?

I moved to another state with my girlfriend to rent a place from her mom. I left the best job I've ever had to live with her because she's pregnant and she told me she would get an abortion if I didn't. One day her mom got mad at me and kicked me out. So my lady and I moved back to here. She's only 17 and she went to visit her mom and her mom isn't letting her come back until she's 18 because she doesn't like me. I don't know what to do because she the mom but she's pregnant with out baby and its not like we aren't doing things rite. She's got a great doctor and medical facility here at her disposal. She gets all of lifes necesities. Her mom just hates me and she won't let her leave.

Why is my Boyfriend so Weirded out by this?

One night, we were drinking vodka in a hotel-room and then all of a sudden he and I were like wrestling. And at one point, I was balancing on my hands and knees on his chest and he pushed me to the floor. No one was even close to being hurt, don't worry. But, he had this expression on his face of amused/pleased/turned on, with a smile. And as I ask him who started the wrestling match, he tells me that I'm scaring him away and that it's not true. And that I'm making stuff up. Why is he doing that??? What is so wrong about that scenario? Or is it some sort of secret special thing? PLEASE TELL ME!! Thanks, Emma.

It is a rare observation in behavior after men marry?

O.k, this may sound crass. but I really don't mean it too. Of course the bed room has something to do with their ego about themselves. They're men. Men are moved by touch , sight, taste, feel & smell. On the surface anyway. They probably haven't been challenged enough in other areas as well. I empathize with you, but I'm going to tell like my ex-husband once told me, read some literature about your issues. It does help. It woke me up. Men are different then women and it's important to understand along with respecting these differences. Best of wishes.

How do I get glass out of the garbage disposal?

I broke the blender yesterday and a couple shards of glass went down the garbage disposal...I need to get them out because the garbage disposal won't work. Any ideas on how I can get them out easily?

Is it okay that your best friend is more like your family than your family is?

Is it very common to have a best friend who is more like a brother in your eyes and they feel the same about you as your family because you and your family have a horrible relationship that you know is not going to change? I'm just wondering how common that scenario is. Anybody got the same thing going on?

Sharing a Printer between a mac and pc?

I need to be able to print from any computer to my printer. The printer is hooked up to my HP computer. So that one can print. How can I hook my mac up wirelessly so it can also print. The modem and router are in the middle of the two (all three in separate rooms). I have an old router at my disposal. Both computers hook up to the internet from the wi fi from my router. Printer is a HP C5180 all in one. Any help would be much appreciated.

Reaction to nudity at home in very modest families?

LOL! That story was really funny. If my dad saw me, he would jump a little, close his eyes and walk the other way, and my mom would just be like, "what are you doing?" It was kind of weird that you just threw the towel at her, but it sounds like it was funny.

This is going to sound racist but its not my intent...I am black but why does it seem that...?

That is all loans, a lot white people get plastic surgery/go on holidays etc and are in debt for it. I hear a lot of unfortunate stories where a person is in soo much debt that they commit suicide

Why is my cat a lethargic, sneezing, twitchy mess?

You need to get this cat to the vet and the sooner the better. Hard to say what exactly is wrong, but obviously something is wrong. The vet will be able to diagnose properly and treat whatever is going on. Anytime there is a change in a cats behavior, activity level, is reason for concern. Cats often hide illness well, and only exhibit changes in behavior, activity, as a clue that something is wrong. Your cat should go to the vet today for a check up.

Would someone trade me a drought Vulpix?

I really want a drought Vulpix, but I don't have the will to get all the dream points myself. I would prefer it barely hatched from an egg or barely obtained from the dream world. I am reluctant to trade legendaries but I do have a sizable collection of Pokemon and will be glad to breed and trade any at my disposal. E-mail me via my yahoo answers page if you are interested in the trade.

What could these medical signs mean, lethargy,repeated low potassium,sudden constipation,facial fuzz,edema?

it sounds it is more a renal problems . check your renal profile . or you might as check it out from urologist or nephrologist .

Disputing garage bill without going to Court?

The answer would be no there is little you can do since you have kinda let yourself be at their mercy its that old saying of closing the door once the horse has bolted the only thing you can do is not let them do the work if the price is too high but if I get what your saying right the garage has already completed some work you will have to pay for this as you were not forced but chose to leave your car with the garage you need to get a written quotation from them on any more work that they say needs doing but not agree to it until you have more quotes for price comparison

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Apartment for rent - Martha Torres, Graphic Designer, United Kingdom - Scam?

Most definitely a scam. is owned by the National Association of Realtors, and does not engage in property management services of any kind.

Help with vitamin D overdose?

i was tested with a low vitamin d .so my doctor prescribed me with supplements.although my symptoms were not severe i had feelings of some lethargy for a few months an not upto my energetic self so i went with the test.but i got overenthusiastic with the medications.the doctor prscribed me a sachet of 60000 IU every week.i took it twice a week,added a couple of cod liver oil capsules every day and had around 1-2 hours of sun exposure every initially i showed good progress and started feeling very energetic in 10 days or so.but since last 20 days i am again feeling very lethargic,with muscle cramps,muscle twitching-i think with overdose of vitamin whats should be my this comdition treatable?

What is a man and his problems? Is he is the dual core processor of the transcendental movement?

WTF is any of that even suppose to mean? That jumbled buncha sh*t makes no god damn sense. Are you deliberately trying to look like a fool?

In what likely situation would a guy want to be in a relationship again after a break-up?

the second one guys get jeoulouse easily if he sees you have having fun he'll want you back think about you see your boyfriend having fun without you would you get jeolouse ?

"Why do some people have an easy life or a good life.. See below>>>"?

Looks can be deceiving... many people who seem to have it all are desperately unhappy... because happiness doesn't come from material possessions. You can be grateful for what you've got or bitter for what you haven't... it's your call.

Why are girls so caught up on weight and looks when theres TONS of despreate guys.?

Whats the big hang-up? Do you really need to be perfect? You seriously have to be like one of the 10 percent of girls who truly look ugly. I guarantee you have many guys on disposal, it's a little ridicules.

Is he gonna be scared away?

So i've been hooking up with this kid for a few months. I really like him. He's a big player so I've tried as hard as possible to not have him think I care too much. So i'm never the one to contact him first or anything. Anyways, I saw his older sister at a party last weekend and we were talking about him and she was like I wantt you guys to be together, i told him not to ever hurt you or something along those lines. So the kid and I talked on the phone the other night and somehow we got in the convo of his sister and he was like "my sister loves you she always says she wants us to date!" and for some STUPID reason it just came out of nowhere.. i was like yeeea she said we were gonna get married! and i really have no idea why i said it and he was just like haha i mean i like her enthusiasm but i dont know if it would go that far. But im just so humiliated. I have no idea why i said it, i have never even thought of marrying him haha it sounds so ridiculous even talking about it but basically im so scared hes gonna confront his sister and shes gonna be like i never said that! I sware im litterly not crazy, it just came out of left field. But i mean we talked for a while still. And hes talked to me since the convo but I really know hes gonna talk to her. Whats the worst case scenario here? I cannot stop playing it over in my head.

Extreme lethargy following double tooth abscess and food poisoning?

You may be suffering from some type of low-level systemic infection. Following up with a doctor is a very good idea.

What can I do today to make myself healthier for tomorrow?

I've been really sick all week with the flu (nausea, flem, sore throat, lethargy) but I have TWO very important soccer tryouts tomorrow! I HAVE to go to them. What can I do today to prepare myself?? What should I eat and drink, should I walk around and do stuff, or sleep in?

EBay: Buying question?

What happens if i end up buying a very expensive product like gold on eBay, and than it turns out to be fake? Will I get my money back? Is there any scenario in which I won`t get my money back?

Who is responsible for disposing of tree branches growing over a property line?

A neighbor claimed that branches from a tree growing in my yard were getting too close to his house. He took a chain saw, cut off the branches and threw them in my yard. I confronted him and told him to dispose of the branches himself since he was the one that cut them. He said that since it's my tree, I'm the one that is responsible for their disposal. Who is correct?

Angelfish not moving?

That's an awful mixture of fish! The guppies are fine but, a fantail needs a 20 gallon and those angelfish need a 29 gallon. Bottom line: the ammonia and waste is probably catching up to the fish.

TEENS: Whats your opinion on his teen-pregnancy situation?

I think it's very unlucky because they clearly weren't ready for children yet so were being responsible and using contraception. But pregnancy and children are blessings.


Might I be so bold as to point out that you can't get out all the lead in one dose. If much is resident in the bones, it must be coaxed out by several doses of chelant, once it is remobilized. A good article on this is in Scientific American, somewhere back in the mid-60s.

I think I have a dishcloth in my drain?

I have a garbage disposal and a dishwasher... the sinks dont want to drain and there is water in the bottom of the dishwasher... I am pretty sure there is a dishcloth or something clogging it... Is there any way I can take it apart myself and get it out without having to call a plumber? I did this once before and had to call a plumber... I was at work when he came and didnt see how he took it apart... can anyone help explain what I need to do? Thanks

Could he be attracted to me?

Here is my scenario. I know this guy just as an acquaintance, he is my kitties veterinarian and I only see him every once and a while. Every time I see him he touches me. It's either on the hand, forearm or upper arm sometimes with a squeeze. When I saw him a few months ago he placed both his hands on top of mine and squeezed them, I also just saw him friday and he rubbed my forearm and then squeezed it before I left. Unfortunately I don't see him in a social setting. I'm not so good with the flirting thing and I'm kinda afraid to flirt back (if he is flirting) because I don't want to make a fool of myself. Any other ways I can tell if he could be attracted to me? I don't mind the touching but just wondering if he could be attracted to me. I have friends that go to him and he does NOT touch them. Thanks

A female's perspective..?

I think she's just using you..or now that she's starting to establish a career and will be financially alright..she wants you to be in her life and maybe later on you two would be back together..or she really meant what she said that she wants to remain in touch with you..

What would you do in this scenario?

lets say your in a VERBAL fight with someone and when you give a really good combat and they say "don't say that that hurts my feelings" what would you say to that?

White spot on Betta's left side above fin. What is it?

It could be a fungal infection certainly, or it also could be simply a missing scale. It's hard to diagnose without seeing an image but are you 100% sure it's white spot. If it's either white spot or fungal growth it will be very hardy fix without being able to add medication. I recommend takign the Betta to an aquarium store or reputable pet shop and ask them to take a look at him. They can then give you exactly what he needs as they will be able to see the problem. If he's acting normal it could be simply a missing scale or the fact that he's having a latent reaction to a fungal growth or white spot disease.

Dog with parvo. What are some signs of improvement?

I have a husky mixed with German shepherd, he's only 7months old and on Saturday (4 days ago) he started vomiting a clear and foamy liquid, had lethargy, loss of appetite, but no diaehrria. So on Monday (2 days ago) we took him to the vet and they gave him two 250 mg shots of ampicillin (antibiotic) and cerenia to stop the vomiting. I brought him home and have been syringe feeding him A/D veterinary food since then, he still drinks water. Last night he vomited twice but this time it was yellow and gooey, he hadn't vomited alll day thoug. It seems like he has gained a little bit more strength today since I saw him walking earlier in the morning but he still looks depressed and has vomited once today and no still no diaehrria..... I really don't know if he's improving or is he gonna get worst? :( I take care of him 24/7 and he's being fighting the virus for 5 days

Why do people always obsess over looking on 'the bright side'?

Well u don't want to be sad and mad all the time because of looking on the negative side you want to think positive so your not a Debbie downer and in a bad mood

Are psychiatric medications harmful to a persons mind and body?

It sounds like you may have been reading some Scientologist propaganda. They are really anti-psychiatry because L. Ron Hubbard was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and wouldn't comply with his doctor's treatment. That being said, considering what you're taking, I'm surprised you're awake. Seroquel is an anti-psychotic that can have irreversible side effects like tics and tardive dyskinesia. It is NOT indicated for anxiety or insomnia. It's only approved for psychosis in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder type 1. Mirtazapine is not a very good antidepressant, and it can make you extremely tired or drowsy. I was on it, and it made me sleep 14 to 16 hours a day and have horrific nightmares. I think you need a new doctor. I could recommend a lot of different meds without the heavy side effects of these drugs. They're totally inappropriate, and it seems like your doctor is trying to sedate you heavily to treat anxiety, and that doesn't work.

How finely should I grate the carrots for my cake?

Grate them pretty fine. You might want to press out the liquid by twisting them in cheesecloth, but reserve any liquid from the grating/squeezing process and incorporate it into the liquid part of your recipe. That way your batter will have the proper consistency. It would also add to the flavor of the carrot cake.

MY puppy was very sick, he had dirreria,vomiting, loss of cordination,lethargy,what can this be?

You need to take that dog to the vet. It has parvo or has gotten into something toxic. Every second counts. Go now. Both can and will result in death if not treated early enough.

Why does depression cause excessive worry?

I have been dealing with depression for a year and a half. Im constantly bombarded by worry over stupid things, for example im 23 and i feel like im 50, meaning i feel like my life has passed me by and feel like a failure. Everything is overwhelming, from having to do simple chores let alone deal with school and work. Social events also stress me out to shear awkwardness, and i also have extreme lethargy, sometimes i can sleep all day. I dont want to take meds for depression, i know people become dependant on them. I recently started exercising and have noticed a bit of improvement. I would just like to know why depression causes this over analyzing. I dont have a general anxiety disorder, i only use to get panic attacks when i first came down with depression which was about 2-3 months into the beginning of this BS. Are these common symptoms of depression? And can depression go away by itself if you ride it out? Thank you.

Dog heat stroke - take to the vet?

my dog was playing outside for about 15 minutes and was panting very hard, then appeared dizzy and began to drool a lot. i poured water on her and took her home immediately and she seems absolutely fine now, but online it says that you should take your dog to the vet immediately after they experience these symptoms. she only exhibited these symptoms for about a minute before i poured water all over her and took her inside, she seems fine now and is running around and playing all over the place. is it necessary that i take her to the vet? i tried to call them but they are closed now, i would have to take her to the emergency vet. i plan to call my vet in the morning regardless as long as she still seems fine. she never experienced any sort of lethargy or anything, she still wanted to play the entire time but i made her stop.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If corporations #1 obligation is to the shareholders why are they in the health care business?

It is the largest private industry in the U.S. and the bottom line is to benefit the stock holders and corporate heads, not provide services to the subscribers. A claim denied is profit in the pocket of the stock holders and corporate heads.

What is wrong with my dog that is lethargic and has goopy eyes?

You can tell me all you want that you can't get the dog to a vet but the fact of the matter is without professional help your dog will not get better and you will be responsible for it. The last time I saw those symptoms my dog was in renal failure. Your call.

I've been awake for 60 hours (logged info included) WHEN WILL I MICROSLEEP?

Please take a warm bath and try to relax. Drink a mug of warm milk. This is terrible for you. You also may be suffering from a manic episode, which can be very unsafe. If you don't sleep in a few hours, please go to the nearest emergency room for some medical attention.

Help! My cat is sick. Symptoms: lethargy, bloody stool, vomiting, appetite loss, meowing.?

I can't tell you what to do with regard of treating him at home but are there no charities that run vet clinics near you? I'm from UK and the RSPCA, Blue Cross etc all run programs for people such as yourselves who can't afford vet treatment. If not then I would advise you end his suffering because by the sound of it he is suffering. I'm sorry I caouldn't help any more. and I do hope there is someone is near you who can help.

What happened to just asking a women out?

Crikey! Sounds like you have had to get that out like yesterday. Although I follow what you have said I get the distinct impression you have been going to the wrong places to meet the right girl. Perhaps you should try to just spend more time getting to know girls before asking them out thereby avoiding one disaster after another. Avoid the seeking. They used to say you will never meet someone if you go looking. Ask your friends who are happy with their girlfriends where they met; probably not the same places you have been going.

Humorous flattery on Facebook with strangers of opposite sex while being married?

Does one become insecure if he has feels weird seeing his wife flattering humorously with strangers of opposite sex on Facebook? I have talked to her and she has brushed these feelings of mine aside in a funny way but I'm still confused. I can't bring myself to do the same on facebookr although she would have no objection to it. Does not such a free "mingling" online with strangers lead to some unnecessary issues later in a lifetime? What possible scenarios am I looking at? I can brush this gut feeling of mine aside in a funny way too but in my life-long experience, I've always found this gut feeling helping me stay safe. What's your take on it?

So i decided to shave my pubes... but...?

First trim the hairs on top of the dick with the scissors, then shave them, but shave them with the razor going the derection the hair go, which is down, once they are at a little stubble, shave the opposite way that they grow, to have it bald completely, now the ball ones im too pussy to do, i dont wanna shave those open lol but buy a machine and trim the ball hairs with it.

Is this enough proof that this bird has hypothermia?

I would warm the bird up as you are and see if he gets better. He may have been hit by a car, smashed into a window, etc....if he does not liven up, he probably won't make it. It sounds like he is in a tight ball to warm itself.

PLEASE HELP!!!! What kind of discount should I request or any at all from my landlord?

You could try asking them for this money off, however I would be highly surprised if you got it. It depends on the state that you live what the landlord/tenant laws are, but usually they only cover repairs that are affecting your safety and/or well being. If you are truly concerned about the living conditions and are unfamiliar with the landlord tenant laws, I would suggest that you go down to your local courthouse to inquire about the laws in place in your state and area. If the laws would include any of the repairs that are required in your household, they usually have a system in place where you pay your rent to the courthouse and they keep it in holding until such repairs have been made. This prevents your landlord from receiving any of the money from the property until necessary repairs are made. Unfortunately I do not believe that any of the problems you have listed are qualified under any state's laws that I am aware of, but it never hurts to check. It will also depend on what the conditions of your lease are. If there are any clauses in your lease which state that you are to rent the property as is, or anything to that effect, you may also be out of luck. Make sure you read over your lease carefully. Even if local and/or state laws don't cover the repairs you mention, if they are mentioned in the lease, than the landlord is responsible and you could go to court to request that money off plus court fees. Hope this is helpful.

I want to learn how to do a back handspring?

okay i get what your saying if you can do i back bend then what i would do is do a backbend then like start to jump a lil with it. I hope you accomplish it!! send me a vid if you can i wat to see how a begginers looks send me a message then ill give you my email!!

Is it ever okay to torture another human being?

Yes, it is okay. The thing is that sometimes the ends justify the means, and although I hate to say it there are occasions when torture is justifiable. That being said, these occasions very rarely occur and torture is implemented far too often in today's day and age (Exhibit A: Guantanamo Bay).

Can stopping eating wheat if you are a suspected coeliac make you feel ill at first?

i have been told to stop eating wheat for 4 months because doctors think there is a good possibiity that i have coeliacs disease but am feeling very ill with all the symptons of eating wheat since not eating wheat!, eg bad headache, stomach pains, lethargy? Has anyone else experienced the same when they first stopped eating wheat. Maybe i should wean off it gradually?

Based on the answers given for the origin of right and wrong by atheistic logic?

It's all about definitions. What makes something right? What makes something wrong? All defined by us. And just because something gets labeled as right or wrong doesn't change what it is, doesn't change how it affects people.

How do i go about doing this the right way? please help, first time renting an apt, i dont want to get scammed?

It's a scam. I can't believe how dishonest some people are. Hey, but I have an apartment for rent. Send me $500 dollars and i'll let you move in tomorrow

Is it ever okay to torture other human beings?

I don't think it is ever okay to torture another human being, because it is extremely cruel and inhumane. However, sometimes it is necessary to do so, but only as a last resort.

Why does my arm hurt when i play baseball?

So i joined my schools baseball team and we are just practicing right now. First we stretch then do warm up throws and stuff. My arm (elbow area) starts hurting a little bit when we are doing the warm up throws but then when we are batting off the tee and in the cages, my arm starts to hurt a lot!! It goes away after several hours after practice and the next day i feel fine, until i go to practice again. Its the same scenario everyday. Does anybody know why this is happening or what i should do?

There is this movie where a house comes to life & does horrible things in one part a repair guy is trying to ?

fix the garbage disposal & when his hand is done the drain the disposal comes on & eats his hand up

My Bengal cat had a fever and lethargy for several days. When will he return to normal?

My bengal cat, Conan, had a fever for several days. We took him to the ER and the vet for blood work, ex rays, etc. The blood work was clear, as well as the ex-rays. He had a rabies/distemper vaccination a week before he started becoming lethargic. It was also discovered that he had a minor UTI, which the vet prescribed an antibiotic. He has been on it for 5 days and his fever has finally subsided. He is still sleeping a lot and doesn't seem like himself before this all started. Will he ever return to normal?

Extreme lethargy following double tooth abscess and food poisoning?

If you were traveling outside of USA when alleged food poisoning occurred, could be many bacterial things going on depending on where you were when you got ill. Having recent dental infection and treatment may have made you more prone to getting a bacterial infection from a food source that may have gone systemic on you. Make sure you let the doctor know where you were traveling and what you ate that you believe made you ill. The doctor may want to perform specific tests according to what you may have been exposed to. Good luck & feel better soon.

Why does my husband find me more attractive (10 points)?

my husband and i are 27 have been married for 2 years. last year i was thin and went to the gym a few times a week and my husband and i had a good sex life and cuddled often. now i got a promotion at my job and i have been working more, so i guess i havent been able to work out and started eating more and i guess "let myself go" so i have gained some weight in the past year. so now im chubby. you would think he would be less attracted to me but he seems more into me and its like he cant keep his hands off of me. all he wants to do is cuddle and we have sex WAY more often than when i was thin .when we hug and kiss he likes to grab onto my rolls or love handles. like yesterday when he got back from work (he is a sports writer btw) we hugged and kissed and he put his arms around me and started squeezing and grabbing my fat. at first i felt really uncomfortable with him touching me, but after awile i was ok with it. i do have bigger breasts and a bigger butt now, so maybe thats why he is more attracted to me. i would get it is was chubby before and lost weight and then was more attracted to me, but i dont get it with this scenario. i know im his wife and he will always love me but you can love something and not be attracted to it like after my older sister had her baby she had gained 40 pounds because of her pregnancy and she told me that recently her husband could not even look at her :(. if it helps answer the question he is a big guy and has been oveweight since the day i met him

Chaos rings omega extra mode and other scenarios?

in extra mode theres an option to partner up with either dante or vahti, so which one is better? I wanna pick dante cause I can just go to the main storyline and play as vieg and vahti. but on the other hand I dont want to really play as dante. Or is there an option to switch between them throughout the extra mode. and if not which one should i pick. and also, is there gonna be anymore scenarios. I wanna see yorath and cyllis' story! that be really cool :)

A song that would describe me?

I'm a hopeless romantic that can't get over this guy and I'm just asking for more pain thinking there's a chance when he obviously doesn't feel that way and he's living his life. Something close to that scenario, please and thank you(:

What could this dream I had in 5th grade mean?

i do believe that the future version of your crush has gone back in time to say 'sorry' for whatever will happen in the future. like, maybe you guys will get together in 11th grade and he decided one day to make it up to you, so he went back in time to your dream in 5th and apologized for not going with you before 11th. :/

Why would someone ask you to hang out then not talk to you much?

Barely acknowledge your presence, not talk to you a lot, but wants you around? It's a ''WTF'' scenario? Who would want my presence but not me as a person?

Why do i have random chest pain and lethargy after stopping smoking and drinking?

These symptoms may just be after quitting symptoms. No reason for you to worry. If this problem turns serious, then visit a doctor.

Chemistry question...detection of ppm with different dilution scenarios.?

If i dilute something in 100 ml of water and get a certain ppm let us say 100, what would the ppm be if I instead diluted it in 200 ml rather than a 100ml ? what would my ppm me? would it just be half of the ppm that I detected when diluting with a 100 ml? Could I used the C1V1=C2V2?

Which camera angle should I use?

Well I'm making an article about gum disposal and dog poo disposal and I've decided to use gucci boots. What angle or view of the view should I have a the boot stepping in the gum and poo

The Bulls don't need a SG, they need Dwight Howard?

You won't have money to sign both Prince and Afflalo. Plus there isn't going to be an MLE (mid level exception) in the new CBA.

Tell me..Could whats happening in Egypt happen in America?

Revolt for what? You seem to be overlooking the fact that 300 million people don't want to revolt because there is nothing to revolt for. Americans revolted last November. Did you miss that?

Would it be hard to be stationed in Japan for my first-duty station?

I am 89D- EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) , I want to be stationed in Japan or Korea. What are the chances i would be stationed in Japan or Korea? And what would life be like for a SINGLE soldier in Japan, Korea, or Germany? (Sex Life) ;)

Sick 5 year old boxer...limping, stomach problems?

I have a 5 year old, neutred male boxer. He lives indoors, but does go outside to play in a fenced yard. He boards at a local kennel twice a yr at most. He has been experiencing a cluster of symptoms for the past 3 months. These symptoms come on without warning & one symptom is never present without the other. They last 2-3 days. The symptoms he has been having for the past 3 months are, Lameness in different legs (the limping/lameness changes legs, does not seem to be in pain when you touch his legs), a stiff-walk, low-grade temperature (rectal reading of 103.5), vomitting & lethargy, VERY loud stomach noises. He has no interest in food when he is experiencing these issues. I have seen two vets so far. The first vet refused to order blood tests to rule out any diseases. She informed me that it was not worth the cost. She did order A urine test & heart worm test. He was negative for heart worms, but blood was found in his urine. She then treated him with an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection. She also treated him for a stomach virus, as she believed that was the source of the loud stomach noises & the other symptoms. While on the antibiotics he seemed to improve. But, my dog was sick again shortly after that visit. I have since changed vets because I have a hard time believing that these symptoms are not related! Even when my dog is not having an episode, he generally does not seem well. He is also easily winded when playing. I do not care what it costs to run tests, my dog is a member of our family. The new vet ordered a series of blood tests (at my request) this morning, a urinalysis and stool samples, and xray were also done. He wants to rule out Lyme disease & other diseases. This new vet says that Lyme disease could cause these problems. Has anyone ever seen symptoms such as this in their dog or heard of anything like this? I have been up for two days now sitting w/ my dog (as he is sick again). He was sick when I took him in to see the new Vet this morning. I am waiting on his test results Wednesday. It feels like I've been waiting forever. I am VERY worried. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I can suggest my vet look for, please tell me. If they don't find anything in this current batch of tests, I don't know what I'll do or where to go from there. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Be completely honest here....?

Do you use this account or possibly another one for trolling at all? Not point gaming, rather putting pointless, stupid, or made up scenarios (which may or may not be a sarcastic address to a real problem). I'll admit it, I troll with questions here (though I still give honest answers), and have a separate real account. Does anyone else do this?

What should I do, did i handle this the right way? girlfriend and me broke up, i love her and want her back.?

dude, i'm so sorry and i reall want to help you in every way but your story is tediously long. can you please summarise it in: how you broke up and why. thank you :)

Metrodinazole, anyone feel horrible while taking this?

I've felt terrible for days and totally not like myself after starting this, from dizziness, to lethargy, headache, irritably,nausea, no appetite, and insomnia ! Am I crazy or has anyone felt this way too?

Monday, July 18, 2011

I broke a glass in the sink. What should i do?

I was washing a glass off before putting it in the dishwasher next to the kitchen sink. Suddenly i accidentally slammed it down and it shattered, most of the pieces went into the sink, but some of the bigger pieces landed in the garbage disposal. How should i get them out?

Problem with internet connection after formatting computer hard disk?

Have you loaded a firewall. If so diable it and see if that resolves your problem. a firewall badly set up can be very restrictive. If you can connect to Google, does it perform a search when requested or just the Google home page. If Google seems to work, I fail to see how it can be a driver problem.

Reoccurring dream with a creepy old lady?

Spirits do come within our dreams to communicate, and or use pictures to tell a story, communicating something, you have to ascertain what it means to you since it's your dream these spirit that came to you. Perhaps the old lady is a ghost on the job site that's angry because you don't pay her no attention. And your Aunt came to help you to understand, and black stands for death......I do believe and see some type of meaning and communication in this dream. Think about it some, and the answer will eventually come to you.

A 50 years old obese female is taking oral hypoglycemia.?

If you have already been to the emergency room and seen a doctor, what makes you think getting a second opinion from ordinary people is going to do you any good. It stands to reason that if you have health problems you should be talking to a health professional not just anyone with an opinion.

What is a good and safe way to remove 40 year old vinyl floor tiles from my kitchen?

I have a small galley kitchen which I am updating. I have replaced the sink/counter/cabinets/fixtures/garbage disposal and painted the remaining cabinets. After I paint, I am going to want to get rid of these old, cheap, stained, scratched, vinyl tiles. I don't want to pay Lowe's $400-500 or whatever to do this. ACO sells a box of 20 self-adhesive tiles for $10. BUT, it says "do not lay these over vinyl flooring." How can I get the old ones off?

How do you pity the tears of Karunanidhi for the arrest of his daughter Kani in corruption case?

I have no sympathy for him nor for his entire family as they involve in every crime that is committed in Tamil Nadu.

Lethargy making me unproductive?

How can I raise my energy levels, I work at home on computer most the day, I like to have a routine 9:30 am - 5pm, only thing is I get tired, end up taking naps or sleeping for long, I try to eat healthy and have been trying to eat low gi foods, but I can still get tired, and normally get about 7-8hours sleep at night.

Do bunnies shed periodically?

My bunny has been shedding for a week now. Its not bundles and bundles of fur, but whenever I pet him, fur starts flinging off. I don't think its parasites because he's not itching alot. The only thing I can link the shedding to is the GRADUAL diet change I have been doing (I am decreasing his pellet intake a little bit each week, he was looking a bit chubby :) ) But my other bunny isn't shedding, and she's on the same diet as he is. Could there be an internal malfunction thats making him shed? Or something else? Other than shedding, he's completley normal (shows no signs of lethargy, loss of appetite, etc.) *I'm a new to the bunny business, so please don't scold me if I am doing something wrong. Helpful advice is greatly appreciated :)

Eating when I'm sick?

You could probably have a bit of icecream if you must, but no strong flavours and only a small portion. I would try to stick to plainer things like dry crackers and water though :)

How do I build confidence in a young athlete?

Here's the scenario. This kid is awesome, top of the game. He puts in countless hours practicing, working out, and getting private lessons. Problem is, come game time he is a nervous wreck. Often it means he starts to make mistakes, gets flustered, and can't get his head straight. I've tried all sorts of positive reinforcement. We are at a tournament right now where the best in the world are scouted- getting in is by invitation only. Today he totally floundered and blew the game on an error that shouldn't have happened; totally his fault no doubt about it. Other Adults have been saying it's a team effort, he played great, and besides they are still kids and make mistakes. But now he is all freaked out and it's not over. He has played with n ability that makes the crowd gasp, but then next game he is a head case. How can I get him to realize his full potential? He wants and sees a future in this, and that is quite possible if he can pull it together. What can I say or do?

"Why do some people have an easy life or a good life.. See below>>>"?

You get what you get in life. I have learned that God only gives difficult lives to those who can handle it. And again, I wish FB would explode. People who have to brag on FB are doing so because there is something major missing in their life. Things are rarely what they seem. Not that I have any animosity toward anyone for what they have, but to be boastful is a sin. God has a plan for you sweetie, you have to believe that. There's better days ahead, one way or another. Count your blessings (your life, good health, your beautiful eyes, your intelligence, your computer, your success this far in your life on your own. I'm proud of you.) Good Luck and God Bless.

Why is it so hard to give away my old toys?

Like I almost feel like they're old friends or something. Maybe it's because me and my friends used to kind of roleplay and always chose the same toy out of every set. So maybe I feel like giving away the knight my best friend always used to play with is like giving away our friendship? I don't know why I have so much trouble with this, I mean should I give them all away, or should I keep one of my friends who died in 2nd grade's favorites? I'm just lost, and confused on what to do with these. It's not like old office supplies or something worthless that I'm hording, I think I should give them away, but I kind of want a memento to the great times I had as a kid with my friends. Any suggestions on how to deal with this whole scenario?

Can someone diagnose this patient according to the DSM of psychology?

The DSM describes 10 personality disorders in 3 separate categories depending on the presenting symptoms. Category A is what we see here with Leon, category A is of the odd or eccentric traits. Cluster A includes Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal. Note: do not mix up schizophrenia with Schizoid and Schizoptypal as they are completely different personality disorders. Paranoid has the characteristic od someone who has distrust and suspicion of others (this would explain Leon thinking that people think he is "dumb" and a "jerk")Schizoid shows characteristics of detachment from others and from social relationships, and Schizotypal shows characteristics of social and interpersonal deficits; reduced capacity for close relationships. However Leon is shown to have more symptoms/characteristics of all 3 which is possible to have more than 1 personality disorder. When this is present it is called Comorbidity.

How do you permanently delete messages in facebook? or at least would this scenario be okay:?

so i talk to guys, a lot before i had a boyfriend and a little bit now but i dont flirt as muchh.. whatever i dont care judge me . anyways so if i just hit the delete message in my archive and my boyfriend checks my messages, would he see all those messages or would it be gone?

Im scared of my father, adult guardianship conservatorship?

I'm no expert on the subject, but it seems to me as though your father might be dealing with a form of dementia. I strongly suggest you keep pleading your situation until someone finally agrees to hear you out. Good Luck.

Parrot has loss of appetite, increase lethargy but no fever.?

I gave my parrot only 1 chocolate cookie 2 weeks ago. He had diarrhea for 1 day. But the following day he seems to recover. His droppings has solid substance in it. Every thing looks normal again. But his behavior seems change. He is less talkative and less active. but he still has good appetite. still play and talk. But as days go on we noted he is less active, less talkative and likes to sleep but still have good appetite. So we thought it is depression. His appetite gradually decreases in the following days and so does the lethargy .droppings looks normal. Instead of squaking and preening when i got near him, he emitted like a whining sound. We went to a vet examined the stool and there is no parasite nor there was any fever noted. have anyone encounted this kind of symtoms. Is this related to the chocolate or not? or is it infection.

What would the advantages be of a single worldwide economy?

If the trades in the world are free,it is called the first best. It will be a win-win situation,and the world as a whole. The gain from trade will be maximized with efficiency.But if it cannot be done that far, a trading block will yield a second best.It is because of trade creation will be more than trade diversion as stated in the economic integration theory.The Doha round if it can be concluded will stimulate the free world trade,including agriculture. But bilateral agreements will also help.

Science help please! last week of school and i need to pass! thanks a lot!?

For the biodegradable plastic portion of your questions, see the different kinds compared and contrasted at a href="" rel="nofollow" .

How can I regain interest in my studies? TOMORROW are my exams?

first of all, will you please stop criticizing your skin color all the time..i dont really understand why ur parents keep on mentioning about your skin color..but on ur part first start thinking yourself as a very smart and stylish person..just feel positive about are not the only one on this big earth with dark complexion..just think about so many hollywood personalities with dark complexion...and dont just think that every one notices your complexion all the one really cares about other people's one is having so much time to waste on bothering about other's complexions...when u feel confident inside, everything just goes feel positive and for your exam tomorrow...well dont try to grasp everything in one day coz its just not correct..watever you are able to read, just understand it properly..and dont expect any miracle to studying is the only option ...good luck :)

How can I get my poop out of the sink?

Well, I tried to poop in my sink, thinking the garbage disposal would clean up the mess. Unfortunately, this clogged the garbage disposal, and now the sink is backed up. How can I get the sink to drain again?

Music Video - Men Dark Suits, White Masks?

Earlier this year I saw a music video (possibly German?) where several men dressed in dark suits, wearing white masks "saved" people from various scenarios when they saw the men eg an alcoholic Mum bought an apple rather than alcohol, a paedophile stopped coaxing a child to get in his car. Does anyone know who sang this and/or the name of the band?

Having A spider infestation problem.?

So I awoke this morning with a spider bite on my neck,this is the fifth one in the past month......needless to say, im pissed. So iv got a quart or so of 30% strength ammonia at my disposal and the room I need to clear of spiders is quite small; id say 15 by 15 ft im thinkin if I set open container of this strong ammonia in the center of the room with all the windows and doors shut off I can finally rid this scum of the face of the planet.... Will this work?

Swollen parotid gland causes?

My left parotid gland has been swollen and sore for about a month. During this time I have also suffered from severe lethargy. headaches and over all feel very icky. My DR suggested swishing with lemon juice and doesn't believe it's mumps. Any suggestions? I'm so tired of feeling this way.

Baby Robo Hamster lethargy help?

i just got a baby robo hamster and the previous owner says she is like 3 months old but when i brought her home she became really lethargic. She was the smallest out of six and wanted to sleep a lot. A few hours later i got home and she wasnt moving but she was breathing. I dont know what to do, i think she might die... She is still tiny compared to her brothers and sisters, when i touch her she doesnt move and i can just move her and she seems dead. I cant go to a vet because of the cost and i just really need advice.

Why does my husband find me more attractive (10 points)?

my husband and i are 27 have been married for 2 years. last year i was thin and went to the gym a few times a week and my husband and i had a good sex life and cuddled often. now i got a promotion at my job and i have been working more, so i guess i havent been able to work out and started eating more and i guess "let myself go" so i have gained some weight in the past year. so now im chubby. you would think he would be less attracted to me but he seems more into me and its like he cant keep his hands off of me. all he wants to do is cuddle and we have sex WAY more often than when i was thin .when we hug and kiss he likes to grab onto my rolls or love handles. like yesterday when he got back from work (he is a sports writer btw) we hugged and kissed and he put his arms around me and started squeezing and grabbing my fat. at first i felt really uncomfortable with him touching me, but after awile i was ok with it. i do have bigger breasts, a bigger butt, and i a much more curvy figure now, so maybe thats why he is more attracted to me. i would get it is was chubby before and lost weight and then was more attracted to me, but i dont get it with this scenario. i know im his wife and he will always love me but you can love something and not be attracted to it like after my older sister had her baby she had gained 40 pounds because of her pregnancy and she told me that recently her husband could not even look at her :(. if it helps answer the question he is a big guy and has been oveweight since the day i met him

Good start to my story?

It's good. The only thing that puts me of is the number of 'I's. To avoid them is one of the main skills you need to write in the first person. It's definitely scary though.

Vitamin D - Side Effect of Lethargy?

I started taking a Vitamin D supplement about a week ago. Ever since then, I've been drained of energy. Does anyone know if there could be a correlation?

Should I go to the stupid doctor for this?

Ok my doctor isn't stupid. He's a nice man with experience, but I hate going all the way to his office for checkups. I've had a minor soar throat for over 2 weeks straight with some lethargy. The soar throat is worst in the mornings. Also I have a weird taste in my mouth. No other symptoms. Today I slept from 5AM to almost 9PM though! I've been tired lately but wow that's a record. But that could be due to just mild depression as I'm in my early 30's now and still don't know where my life is going.

Anatomy/ Physiology HELP!! (muscle/joint movements)?

Use your book. I've taken this class - the best way to learn is to draw everything and label it as you draw - the best way. In fact i had to answer nearly this exact question. ha ha it was years ago. So sorry i am not answering it again. I had to study to answer it.

What would you do to diffuse the situation and meet the needs of your job?

The main thing is to stay calm because if you get flustered everyone else will too. I would take care of the crying child first. Get him set up in the health room with a wet cloth on his forehead and call his parents. Next I would ask the parent if he would like to make an appointment to talk with the teacher/principal/counselor (Whoever seems appropriate). Be polite but firm about not engaging in the conversation. I would be answering the phones when possible but I would let it go to voice mail if I had to. I would have the attendance reports finished and available to turn in. Mostly it is about prioritizing and keeping things as calm as possible. In my opinion the people come before the phone and the attendance report should have ben finished and ready to turn in.

How do I raise customer satisfaction in resturaunt empire?!?!??!?

I'm on scenario 5....everything is good exept my customer satisfaction is around 32%. My revenue is around $70,000 so I only need to improve my customer satisfaction. How do I do that??

How do I get my wife's freeloading kids out of my house?

I am married to my first wife at 42. It's her 3rd marriage at 39. Her 3 kids are boy 23, boy 21, girl 16. The my wife has the girl on weekends as terms of custody, but the 2 older boys are emancipated. None have any relationships, and every single weekend plus Friday and Monday morning on either side, they have nothing planned. They are social zeroes, and only want to watch cable, play video games, and eat. My daughters are 2 and 4, and I hate that they witness this lethargy. Things are tough with my wife, and she uses them against me when there's a conflict. I know therein lies the real problem, but I want to work it from 2 sides. The kids are adults, but they are simple parasites. They don't like me, and the feeling is mutual. Their family is inbred. They have a history of 1st cousin marriages, and I did some research finding that inbred creatures of any species are more asocial and introverted. We are dealing with genetic tendencies, not behavioral issues. They will never take part in any activity--I have tried camping, fishing, and picnics. Their father was a parasite off of his parents, the city for whom he worked, and tried to get worker's comp. after a fake 6-month back injury--yes, just like the guys committing fraud who are videotaped. So no examples anywhere. How do I get these parasites out my house with no help from my wife?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I need a balanced exercise routine for chest,bicep,tricep,forarms,bac… and?

I need a balanced exercise routine for chest,bicep,tricep,forarms,back and shoulders.I have at my disposal one pair of 2kg Dumbells and a pair of 3 kg dumbells.I need to workout at home.Can you please suggest one for me :)

Why don't more Canadians speak French?

I'm polishing my French at the moment (to earn Brownie points for citizenship) and I couldn't help but wonder why most Canadians don't know French. Don't you have numerous resources at your disposal as well as government endorsement of the language?

I am just coming of tramadol SR, I have been on 200mg, twice a day for the last 7 years. is there any hope?

Yes, there is hope. You will be able to get off of it though it won't be easy in the beginning. Hopefully, your doc is reducing the dose slowly. Best Luck.

Global warming and solar brightening?

My friend George Monbiot will be delighted I'm sure to receive your question. The Guardian newspaper is on the web, he writes for them

Will a slingbox work in this scenario?

My job requires me to work on Saturdays, but I can be on the internet. I was thinking of buying a slingbox so that I could watch college football while at work(we don't have tv). Would that work? If I hook something up to my tv at home and will it project to my computer or iPod touch? If so, is the video and sound quality pretty good and what brands do you recommend? Also, how difficult is set up?

What mix was my labrador retriever?

ok i have no idea! to me it kinda looks like a samoyed and a black lab mix but not sure because Samoyed's have REALLY bushy tails sometimes and also fur. maybe this could be mostly lab and a little samoyed or pit bull but don't take my words cause im probably wrong lol well good luck!

I have pre-diabetes, probably because of my years of eating Taco Bell daily and not exercising enough?

I read in Prediabetes for Dummies that I can't have diet soda anymore. I'm wondering what it is that I can eat. Also, I'm thinking this pre-diabetes is the cause of my fatigue and lethargy? What do I need to do to prevent more severe complications. I'm willing to cut out all sweets, but what can I eat?

3 months no period, chance im pregnant?

im 17, and not the healthiest in the world. i have always had an irregular period, but its been 3 months since my last but im showing no other pregnancy signs. no weight gain, no pudgeyness, i do have nausea, but im allergic to gluten and have been eating quite a bit of it lately. i am fairly fatigued, but was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the doctor linked the lethargy and sleepless nights to that. could there be a deeper problem as to why i havent gotten my period? or should i take pregnancy tests just in case??

Help with me guinea pig plz?

My guinea pig has bloody urine, if anyone has a HOME CARE plan for something like this that can see me through the week til I can afford the vet please send me a message? Symtoms: Bloody unrine. There is no lethargy, squeeling while peeing, he's eating fine, drinking fine, exploring... otherwise ok.

AFL Terms: Hitout and Disposal?

a disposal is when a player kicks the ball or handpasses it and a hit out is when someone slaps the ball out of the air in a ruck contest.

Question about giving birth?

This is a very random question: So here's the scenario, a woman is going into labor, she's set for delivery at the hospital, but she has to poop... I mean, what do they do just set a bucket down there? Or would doctor just be like "alright hurry up and go to the bathroom but make sure you don't poop the baby out while your at it" lol. Its a crappy situation, literally...

Rise of Nations Custom Scenario Help?

Hi, I'm playing Rise of Nations on the PC with the Thrones and Patriots expansion. I am using version I am trying to create a custom map for single player and I can't figure out how to make my custom map use custom rules. For example having that map use Very Expensive and Slow technology. Thank you in advance for your help.

Advise about a scientific scenario about vaccines!! What would you suggest?

A company that produces vaccines has received a number of enquiries from local residents about their factory. Residents want to know what the factory does and why its product is important. You have been asked to write a short piece of text for a pamphlet that the company will distribute to local residents. I should describe what a vaccine is, how they are produced and why they must be produced in a clean factory. I should also explain how a vaccine works in the context of what we know about the immune system.

Could i have anemia? What do you think?

The only way you are going to get a proper answer is to go to your doctor and tell him how you are feeling. You will then need a blood test to check your FBC (full blood count), and find out if you are anaemic or not. If you don't want to go to your doctor then try increasing the amount of iron in your diet. On the other hand your symptoms could be due to something totally different - so you need a proper opinion from a doctor.

When it comes to an affair, how come the wife or girlfriend always blames the "other woman"?

That's how the mind of a woman works. I don't undersatnd it either. Must be some genetic thing that says "I need to attack my rivals".

Could you still continue medication of a newly-recovered puppy?

People often stop treatment when the animal looks or seems better but that's how people and animals die, continue with the treatment until you run out is what my vets have all told me, even if you're buying the vitamins yourself they do no harm, that's why they're vitamins, try not to force weight on her she'll gain it back as she needs it but I'd suggest giving her extra wet food if you're worried about the weight that much, or if you don't feed her wet, get a couple of cans and put her on those, make sure to get wet puppy food though, not adult.

How can I worry less about my family? I love them so much, my mind thinks of the worst case scenarios.?

Plz no rude comments. I am scared because I have never lost a family member and don't want to go through with that. How can I worry less? Help is greatly appreciated!

Gaining weight but have fast metabolism?

I am 18 yrs old about 140 an 6'1 Im trying to gain weight so that I can look bigger I go to the gym 6 times a week also. But my problem is. Is that I have a fast metabolism an idk how to gain weight, Im pretty much a food disposal too but I can never gain weight. Does anybody know any supplements I should take or go on any diet?

How can I help my dog?

For about 4 days now my Dog has been really off. She's been moping around, not eating or drinking, shaking a lot, and staying in bed all day. She also coughs a lot as well. I searched about it on the Internet and I think it could be Lethargy. If so, how can I help her?

All Equine owners need to know about this - Rhino Virus!?

CSU IS taking rhino horses but they're keeping them at a separate quarantine barn that's not connected to the main barn, and are not keeping any horses on site for any reason other than the rhino horses. They aren't full yet. All non-emergency appointments have been cancelled and no horses can come on the property if it's not an emergency. All the barns in the area (and probably all of CO) are in total lockdown. No vets, farriers, or horses allowed in or out. I live in Fort Collins (where CSU is) so it's pretty tense around here right now. I vaccinated my gelding today and all the vet supply places are running low on the vaccines. It's definitely not fun up here right now.

Ebay: Buying question?

What happens if i end up buying a very expensive product like gold on eBay, and than it turns out to be fake? Will I get my money back? Is there any scenario in which I won`t get my money back?

Last time you accidentally set fire to yourself?

After my morning meditation at the kitchen table today, I omitted to blow out the candle before spraying the quick dry spray on my nails. Running round the kitchen with my pajamas on fire was the perfect antidote to that post-meditation lethargy I usually struggle with.

When to retake a pregnancy test?

So, I took a pregnancy test on Friday, 6th and it was negative. After feeling quite symptomatic for early pregnancy signs, ie nausea, lethargy, nasal edema, I retook a test on Wed, May 11. It was positive. Then on Friday, May 13, I started what seemed like a normal period. So I am wondering, when do I retake a pregnancy test? Unfortunately, I won't have health insurance until June 1. So going to a doctor is out of the question at this time. Could I have gotten a false positive?

Lethargy, nosebleeds and migraines?

Recently I have been experiencing extreme lethargy to the point it is affecting my schoolwork. I come home get some homework done and go to bed, sometimes I lose my appetite as well when I get really tired. I have also been experiencing these nosebleeds that last for 15-20 minutes and are quite messy, and they seem to happen nearly everyday! In the past two days I have also experienced a migraine. I'm only 17 and have experienced migraines my whole life but it seems they are becoming more frequent. I am going to the doctor this weekend but I wanted to know if these are symptoms of anything or just unrelated events. Any information is helpful thanks.

Rx Tapazol (Methimazole) compounded-advice?

My 11 yr old kitty baby just diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Prescribed Tapazol (Methimazole) which I had compounded into a topical gel to be applied to ear (to make it easier for kitty & me!) I'm worried about side effects (nausea, lethargy, etc.) Any advice? What about something holistic, such as Resthyro? Please, please advise. Thank you SO much.

Are these signs of depression?

Check out Dr. Amen's web site as there are different forms of depression and anxiety. One of the best things to help both of them is exercise.

My cat (three years) is having a lot of whisker loss, and some are breaking off as well?

i wouldn't be concerned about it unless her normal behavior changes or she has other symptoms relating to it. its normal for them to lose their whiskers and they will grow back. its not painful or uncomfortable in any way for her so don't stress yourself over it.

HEEELP!!!!!!!!!! What are my chances of getting into Duke University?Will I also be eligible for scholarships?

Earn 2200 on the SAT and you will be competitive. Duke is very generous with financial assistance and almost every undergraduate student who is admitted is offered enough financial aid to be able to attend.

Is it wrong to prefer staying home as opposed to trying to make plans with others?

In recent years (my mid to late 30s), I have succumbed to a state of apathy and lethargy, particularly where social interaction is concerned. I have never been one to take an interest in going out for most of my life, but working in customer service and enduring drama between social companions has all but eliminated any desire I have to interact with people in real time. I would just as soon sit at home, drink all I want, play the music I want to hear, and wander around the internet instead of trying to arrange when and where to meet a group of people that may or may not show up, navigate traffic, find parking, avoid fanning fight flames, either drink lightly or not drink at all since I'm driving... It all seems way too complicated when I could just stay put and not really cause any harm.

Is 'Street Fighting Uncaged' any good?

i noticed you don't have any answers yet so i will try my best to help. i havnt heard of this street fighting thing but i do know alot about taekwondo, mma, karate, and juijitsue. i highly recommend checking out different schools near you and studying how they work. watch how they teach and what they teach, because your very right you cannot just limit your self to only kicks or only hand to hand combat if you want the advantage in a fight. you have to be prepared for ANY situation at ANY given time. i know alot of taekwondo places focus on kicks but in my school we do alot of punching and hand techniques. just remember that all schools are different so dont judge a style of martial arts just by watching a school or two. GOOD LUCK!!

Having skipped heart beats?

Everyone has the occasional skipped or extra heart beat, runners get them more often and they are for the most part no cause for alarm. It is also very common to feel concerned about them and hence to feel they are getting worse. You also mentioned you had a cold and you should be aware that some over-the-counter cold remedies such as Sudafed and such can give you a faster than normal heart beat and high blood pressure as well as, under some circumstances, skipped heart beats. Your doctor is correct that there is nothing to worry about in most cases. There are certain extra or skipped beats that are troublesome and do need to be evaluated. If you have chest pain or shortness of breath associated with them, a consistent irregularly, irregular heart beat (check your pulse for a full minute and have a heart rate that changes say from 80 to 120 back to 90 beats a minute) you should see your doctor or go to an emergency room. Also, if you feel as if you are about to pass out from all this, get checked. The laying on of hands by your care provider or other health professional may be what it takes to take the worry away. Good luck and be well.

What's the name of this song from Grey's Anatomy?

I didn't really catch the words clearly but I know the scenario, The interns were racing for some kind of prize,then when they finished the race I remember Izzie being there and the Chief,they started asking them questions about a diagnosis i think,Lexie won,but as they were running in the hallway i think the lyrics were kinda like -,,Poleka,poleka,ooh,anjoleka,joleka"-th… song was singed by a girl and in the middle of the song there was a rap,it had a really nice cool hip-hop beat too, PLEASE ANSWER IF U KNOW WHATS THE NAME OF THE SONG!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What is the word for this description called?

When you have a strong desire to be with a certain person like a magnetic force is pulling you towards them.. when they are near you its like you can tell what they are thinking and vise versa..and telepathy works between the two of you.. is there a word for this..I know its sounds very Harry Potterish and all that but I'm not kidding about this its not a scenario its actually happened I just want to know if theres an actual term..thanks in advance.

Can i have an ectopic pregnancy without severe pain?

Ive been bleeding on and off for the past month, at first i thought it was my period, which normally lasts 2-3 days but it just keeps coming..i have sharp pains in my lower abdominals on the right and left side, also a tightness on the left. I even have had the sharp bubbly pains in my neck and shoulder, which is a symptom of ectoptic pregnancy but only if it ruptures... But if it ruptured wouldnt i be in severe pain??? And the pain in my shoulder and neck has been coming for adout three days so wouldnt i be dead or at least super weak if it ruptured that long ago??? Oh and also ive had moments of severe lethargy and lightheadedness.....

Java While Loop Question?

I do C++, but I think this also applies to Java: You can set the first portion inside of a "void", and print it out in the later body

Doc prescribed Strattera for ADD / ADHD-PI. I'm hesitant. Does it really help?

As someone who had severe ADD-Inattentive, if I were in your position right now I would say it's best to get therapy and stay with one medication for at least a week. The most effective I've tried was Adderall and it didn't always work instantly.

Can someone forget their native language?

Yes, it's definitely possible. My aunt moved to Spain 30 years ago and is now having to relearn English after forgetting how to speak it (she was a native English speaker) from just speaking in Spanish.

What would you do in this scenario? You're a new graduate and this may be your only current opportunity to...?

Recent graduate with a BA in a certain field. I have a current job, which is not exactly utilizing the skills obtained through degree program. The company I work for uses a third party company for human resources needs. A new company which offers these services is setting up shop in our town and is soliciting us for business. I am to provide them with the needed documentation to provide us a quote for their services. Thing is- this company is the exact company I have had my eye on, wishing they had an office around me because it is perfect for my degree which I just finished last week. I have been searching high and low to find contact information for someone at this new office, which was supposed to open in early July but is now projecting to open August 1st due to delays, and I now have contact information for the individual who is soliciting the company I currently work for, for our business. Is it wrong to contact her to ask her if they are seeking personnel to staff their new office when it opens? If they are seeking personnel, it is the perfect opportunity for me, as a new graduate. What would you do? Do you think it is wrong to contact her (on my own time of course) to ask her?

My puppy has Parvo. What can I do?

A little pedialyte is all I know that my help. Syringe feed it to her if she won't drink it on her own. Good luck

What can I do about my car's transmission?

it sound like when it overheated it burnt the transmission fluid. you might get by if you change the transmission fluid and filter. the overheating could been from a stuck thermostat.

Has anybody tried chinese medicine for a slow thyroid?

my uk blood tests for my thyroid are normal but i know by my problems with lethargy etc. its slow. im thinking of trying chinese herbal stuff, wondered if anyone has tried it

How do you remove the power cord from a Badger 1 garbage disposal?

When it was originally installed, the installer did not use the normal strain relief clamp that comes with the kit. Instead, the cord is held in place by some white plastic clamp that has not visible screws. What is this what plastic holder and how can I remove it in order to salvage the power cord?

Problems with lethargy?

I was having issues were my energy levels would dip after lunch and never recover. My mood also seems to be very negative even if I have a great morning. Out of desperation I increased my caffeine intake significantly and I feel fantastic. Of course, I crash early evening since I don't want to take caffeine anywhere close to bedtime. I workout regularly, recent blood work came back normal and eat fairly healthy. I don't think this is depression since caffeine wouldn't affect my mood (as far as I know). What could be causing this? What are my best options for addressing this?

Seriously weird array of symptoms?

Hi! Im a medical student. These symptons are not normal but they do fit some rare diseases and infections. You should ask a doctor because this may a STI(Sexually Tranmitted Infection). Even if your not sexually active you can still get these from sharing razors and only very very very rarely from toilets. If you do feel uncomfortable it is normal but your help may be at risk so talk to your parents and go to a doctor because these things can be cured.

I am wondering if there is a way to get my felony residential burglaries from 11 years ago dismissed?

I live in California. I have contacted my local Public Defenders office and they say I do not qualify. There MUST be some way I can get these off my record so I can seek more gainful employment and restore my broken marriage. My wife is insistent that the crimes are off my record though she knew about them before we were married; I was given false information years ago by my public defender that the process would not be hard to get them expunged, in which I passed that information on to her when we were still dating. Though the best case scenario would be that the love my wife had for would be so great that something like this wouldn't matter, unfortunately thats not the case right now and I KNOW God brought us together and I am tryng to make sense out of all this and I have to believe that there is some way to make these felony's disappear. Though I pray that God softens her heart and something like this won't matter, I still have to try whatever I can and exhaust all my resources. I am off probation, I only served county jail time, I have paid all my restitution and I have not not been convicted of anything since. These crimes were strikeable offenses and I did receive strikes (you cant strike out on 1 case). I have a 17 year suspended sentence. There has to be something I can do, no matter how bad my chances may seem, to get these off my record. I was looking at 20-35 years in prison and by the grace of God alone, I only served county time. There has to be something that california law, some exemption, some loophole or special circumstance? Joining the Army Reserve perhaps? Really I am open to all suggestions. From what I understand, the 2 most common dismissals, though I'm not sure of the penal codes, the public defends office says I do not qualify for. Thanks in advance.

What would happen if USA and China went to war..?

Lets say for some reason these two countries went to war with no other countries lending a hand to either side not even food. What are some ways it will turn out with a full blown war not just a few missiles be thrown here and there. Technology vs man power with the war taking place on both lands not just in one country. How much damage would be done, could either nation survive. Please give a few scenarios not just "this country will kick that countries ***".

Exercises for weight training, without a gym?

the best things u don't need a gym for unless u are trying to be a body builder. i am a huge rugby player. and the best things for that are push ups and pull ups/chin ups and crunches and jumping squats and i do curls to but chin ups are good in u don't have good dumbbells. push ups are the best of the best

Fearing independence?

you're not afraid of independence. you're afraid of being alone and failure as a result of that. stop thinking that other people know better than you.

Garbage disposal question?

I accidentally dropped a wet piece of paper in the garbage disposal, which was listed as one of the things never to put in it. What should I do?!

Should i be concerned about swollen glands in my 15 year old son?

My son has been feeling unwell for the past few days with cough, headache and lethargy. went to Dr yesterday morning and she said it seemed flu like but today he has swollen glands in his groin and neck and stomach pains. he has been sweating far more than usual but has no high temperature. he also discovered a Cyst like spot on his penis today so i am a bit concerned but he isn't keen on going back to Dr. is this all likely to be a reaction to an infection? i have never known him to be this lethargic.

Is it fine to take 2.5mg of Lexapro (antidepressant) instead of 5mg?

Hi, my aunt is taking Lexapro to help her with mild depression, and anxiety. Her main issue is insomnia, about 4 weeks now of very poor sleep (less than 3 hrs every day). She's taking Lexapro in the mornings, 5mg for 30 days. She says that she feels terribly drowsy, itching in the legs, trouble talking, lethargy, trouble concentrating; in her own words she felt disconnected from the world. We are having trouble communicating with her doctor. Since she's supposed to take the pill in the mornings, is it fine if she takes half of it? (2.5 mg)

Birth control pregnancy ?

You could be pregnant. The bleeding you experienced could have been implantation bleeding. Because your pills were inconsistent then they wouldn't have been working. Also you stopped taking them the day after having sex so they definitely wouldn't have worked because the sperm would still have been alive inside you. I hope you get the result you want. Good luck x

What are the side effects of Soltus (Amisulpride) and Arip (Aripiprazole)?

I have been diagnosed with pseudo neurotic disorder and was prescribed Soltus and then latter Arip. I want to know if these drugs can lead to lethargy as I am in a very bad place right now and am not even able to stay awake throughout the day. If someone has had personal experience with these drugs will appreciate someone sharing it

Why does my 25-day pregnant dog have mucus coming from her vagina?

My boston terrier is approx 25 days into her first pregnancy. She has started showing normal signs of pregnancy (breasts enlarging, weight gain, lethargy) but today I noticed a small amount of yellowish mucus coming from her vagina. Is this normal? I know dogs lose their mucus plug before going into labor, but its not close to time for her have the puppies.

Large scale disposal?

Nahum 5 scorched earth yea the whole world E B Lytton "But taking sorcery from the master hand To paralyse Ceasars and to strike the earth breathless"

How do I set up ARMA 2 so vehicles respawn with AI?

I'm trying to set up an ARMA2 multiplayer scenario with an air battle full of AI aircraft on both sides. I can make the aircraft respawn when they die- but when the aircraft are destroyed, they respawn without AI inside, making them rather useless for fighting. Is there a way to rig it so the AI respawns inside?

My garbage disposal runs but the water won't go down any idea?

when i opened line in the bottom of sink water comes out, but i put back the trap line, water doesn't go down. i run the disposal for about a minute and half but water doesn't go down. any help will be appreciated.

Chemistry question...detection of ppm with different dilution scenarios.?

If i dilute something in 100 ml of water and get a certain ppm let us say 100, what would the ppm be if I instead diluted it in 200 ml rather than a 100ml ? what would my ppm me? would it just be half of the ppm that I detected when diluting with a 100 ml? Could I used the C1V1=C2V2?

Can Clindamycin cause stiffness?

No, I took it for 6 months after surgery but the possible side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and 20% of people have pain when swallowing. Less common are rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, colitis and joint pain. These are all less common. It sounds more like you are getting a cold or a bug. Take some Tylenol for the fever, it will help the stiffness but you might want to think of getting some cold & flu medication from the store. It's not the antibiotic causing your problem.

Are ELECTRIC CARS another example of environmentalists & government getting it WRONG?

Last I heard our electrical system(grid) is at maxim capability in the summer months even causing rolling black outs or brown outs in cities across America.No new generating stations have come on line to improve the situation...yet MR.Wizard wants US all in electric cars? Once again he shows US how he's so much smarter than US....WTF!

Liberals: Is this what “Progress” looks like?

The city of Roseville, California, not one of the most liberal cities in CA, but like most cities here in the People’s Republic of California, definitely left leaning, has, according to local radio hosts who broke the story Armstrong and Getty, banned dancing as of May 5th, 2011. They are calling it a real life “Footloose scenario.” Supposedly, dancing will only be allowed in designated “entertainment zones.” Is this the kind of progress liberals are hoping for?

Opinions and Advice on this issue. *10 Pts*?

sometimes guys are hard to talk to about certain things...and i think that this is probably one of those things. the only thing i can really suggest is sitting him down and telling him exactly how you feel...but try telling him in a way where it involves him more than it does you. tell him that you don't think that it's right that this chick is living in a house that he bought and using cars that he bought and even spending his money! especially since they aren't even together anymore. ask him why it doesn't bother him that she does this. maybe explain that if he had his stuff back that maybe you guys could start a life together and move into the house and have money to live off of so it's not so hard supporting yourself and him. i know i would be very upset. i know i didn't really have too much to say but i do hope that when you talk to him, it goes well. good luck hun :)

I feel so lethargic in the morning. What should I do?

I do not have sleep problem and yet when I get up in the morning I feel so lethargic. I force myself to get out of bed only because I have to go my office. What could be the underlying cause? I do not neglect my health and go for walk in the afternoon for about an hour. Still what is causing this morning lethargy?

Tv movies about continuity of government after a nuclear attack in dc?

I saw a docudrama on the history channel or nat geo about a nuclear attack scenario and what would happen to our government. anyone that knows what i'm talking about drop me a line? thanks?

You're passing a gorgeous girl in the mall, you're with one friend, what do you say?

idk nothing .... personally. Perhaps if you see her in the same store as you are in that would be fine to say something, but just passing by seems a little weird

PLEASE HELP Could he possibly be attracted to me?

Here is my scenario. I know this guy just as an acquaintance, he is my kitties veterinarian and I only see him every once and a while. Every time I see him he touches me. It's either on the hand, forearm or upper arm sometimes with a squeeze. When I saw him a few months ago he placed both his hands on top of mine and squeezed them, I also just saw him friday and he rubbed my forearm and then squeezed it before I left. Unfortunately I don't see him in a social setting. I'm not so good with the flirting thing and I'm kinda afraid to flirt back (if he is flirting) because I don't want to make a fool of myself. Any other ways I can tell if he could be attracted to me? I don't mind the touching but just wondering if he could be attracted to me. I have friends that go to him and he does NOT touch them. Thanks

How to unclog my garbage disposal/sink?

so my sink is clogged up due to potato peelings... the water is backed up and is still backed up when i run the garbage disposal. i really need this fixed soon. i have a 2 part sink, one side just a sink, and the other side is the garbage disposal. i need this question answered very soon. thank you

How do I tell my brother I'm dating his best friend, who is also my friends younger brother?

prbbly dont tell him right now just wait until a good time, but if you HAVE to tell him, then just make a joke outa it somehow

Self-interest is behind every friendship. No Friendship without self-interests.?

It seems true in current scenario but when we think about our early school days it is you agree? Do you all feel the same way or differently. Please share your thoughts......

What should be done about a Red Eared Slider with clogged nostrils?

I have a young red eared slider who was lost for almost four weeks. Our neighbour found him caked with mud. After letting him rest in low-level, warm water for a few days, I returned him to the regular turtle tank. In both tanks, he didn't seem to eat at all. Upon closer inspection, I realized his nostrils seemed clogged. There was a tiny opening, but he couldn't breath out of it. His nostrils were almost invisible. His throat seems to inflate for a bit before releasing the air through his mouth. He also isn't eating anything. I fear that he could have a respiratory infection. However, there is no mucus or liquid coming out of the nostrils when held upside-down. He does not have lethargy because he scrambles onto the floating dock quickly. I have relocated him to the low-level water tank again. What could I do to help him?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Prefer a females input on: why does my g/f get upset when in the rare scenario i am watching pornogrophy?

Bekas honestly its disrespectful, yur admiring the body of another woman nd getting turned on by it.

Army EOD School Questions?

I enlisted into the army as 89D-EOD Specialist (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), and i was wondering what happens if i fail AIT? And what are the chances of failing out? like a wash out rate. any other info about AIT would be nice. I ship out on 6/25/12 to Fort Jackson for 9 weeks, then to Fort Lee for 38 weeks. Thanks!

How do I make my garbage disposal work and stop stinking?

My garbage disposal absolutely will not turn on. It doesnt even make any noises when I flip the switch for it to turn on. Also, ground up food particles and water keeps coming up into the sink. My whole house smells horrible, like rotten food. The soonest I can get someone to come out here to fix it is on Monday, but the smell is so bad that I don't know how I will wait. Does anyone know how to fix it or how to make it stop stinking?

Mobile home disposal?

I am buying a house and need to get rid of my mobile home. It needs far more repairs than I'm willing to do, and I'm hoping to give it away to a junk yard for parts. Does anyone know of a junk yard in Maine that would be interested in a free mobile home to salvage?

How do I cope with my wife's changes?

My wife has recently started taking steroid medication prescribed by her doctor. A week after she started taking them, she grew a small moustache, started drinking beer for the first time, and took out a subscription to Popular Mechanic. I was very unhappy, but then she somehow fixed the waste disposal unit. Then, when we played in the couples bowling tournament, her point average more than doubled. Should I get her to see a doctor, or leave things as they are?

I just bought a new garbage disposal, and the drain is different than my last one, how do I change this?

That's almost impossible to answer without some more details. Post a picture on, then come back here and post the link to it. It's not hard - photobucket is very user friendly.